Use "nighttime|nighttimes" in a sentence

1. Nighttime smells, nighttime sights and sounds as well.

2. The nighttime air was comfortably cool.

3. What do people do at nighttime?

4. Nighttime temperatures dipped below freezing.

5. The resulting pain can cause a nighttime awakening.

6. The nighttime cold had a new bite.

7. Brighting Use of bright lights during the nighttime to harass; alternatively, use of bright light in the nighttime, to identify

8. There's no nighttime access without written permission... from me.

9. Adequate lighting shall be provided for nighttime transfer operation.

10. And nighttime, he is not sleep in regular bed.

11. Confusion, Forgetfulness, Frequent nighttime urination and Frequent urination

12. Daytime naps may steal hours from nighttime slumber .

13. Explore constellations and the nighttime sky under our planetarium dome.

14. Which is not unusual for a nighttime burglary-homicide.

15. It's nighttime, yet I saw more clearlythan duringthe day.

16. Emission from Aurorally dosed nighttime high-altitude terrestrial thermosphere, Geophys

17. Nighttime Urination Linked to Higher Death Rate Among Elderly

18. Do you work in the daytime or at nighttime?

19. 15 The resulting pain can cause a nighttime awakening.

20. A crackling Campfire by the river creates a soothing nighttime ambiance

21. Why do they make us pick them up once it's nighttime?

22. It was likely nighttime, since the three men were combating sleepiness.

23. Funny how a woman's eyes will change colour at nighttime.

24. I don't eat at nighttime unless I am very hungry.

25. Boggles never appeared until nighttime is in the village of Narnia

26. The grey shading corresponds to nighttime hours between sunset and sunrise at Bacolod

27. The grey shading corresponds to nighttime hours between sunset and sunrise at Conakry…

28. The grey shading corresponds to nighttime hours between sunset and sunrise at Bhavnagar

29. On the starry nighttime side of human consciousness, myth still lives and reigns.

30. The grey shading corresponds to nighttime hours between sunset and sunrise at Comber

31. The grey shading corresponds to nighttime hours between sunset and sunrise at Basseterre

32. The grey shading corresponds to nighttime hours between sunset and sunrise at Aracaju

33. The grey shading corresponds to nighttime hours between sunset and sunrise at Antofagasta

34. The grey shading corresponds to nighttime hours between sunset and sunrise at Ambon

35. The grey shading corresponds to nighttime hours between sunset and sunrise at Abidjan

36. Ask your husband to share in nighttime feeding duties and household chores.

37. Many college students sleep in the daytime and party in the nighttime.

38. In my nighttime imaginings, sometimes help comes for me just in time.

39. As nighttime animals, Bats avoid direct competition with birds, few of which are nocturnal.

40. During the riots last year, the nighttime patrol force was beefed up with volunteers.

41. The grey shading corresponds to nighttime hours between sunset and sunrise at Banjul, Gambia

42. PROGENEX Cocoon is a special nighttime formula featuring micellar casein and Metamorphagen™

43. Both have optical equipment that allows pilots to carry out nighttime bombing missions.

44. Cabaret: a bar or restaurant offering special nighttime entertainment (as music, dancing, or comedy acts)

45. The grey shading corresponds to nighttime hours between sunset and sunrise at Balbriggan

46. The grey shading corresponds to nighttime hours between sunset and sunrise at Argentia

47. The grey shading corresponds to nighttime hours between sunset and sunrise at Annapolis

48. “Beneath the Mask” is the main Nighttime theme for Persona 5 or Shin Megami Tensei

49. Lighted dog Collars feature LED lights to help keep your pet safe during nighttime walks.

50. This active safety feature works to aid driver vision, delivering maximum lighting during nighttime driving.

51. Nighttime clear Aligner ® therapy is a safe and effective path to a straighter smile

52. Finally, apply Time Defiance Nighttime Renewal Creme or Lotion according to your skin type.

53. The nighttime curfew in the Frontier Closed Area was discontinued from 1 August 1994.

54. As the years passed, he began to notice that nighttime glare made it challenging to drive.

55. This reminds us of the solitary shepherd who forgoes sleep to protect his flock from nighttime dangers.

56. 23 A typical nighttime movement like rolling over can irritate the inflamed joints and awaken the sleeper.

57. Synonyms for Crepuscular include twilightish, nocturnal, twilight, dawn, twilit, nighttime, nightly, late, night and dusky

58. Crosswalks shall be painted at least annually and shall be retro-reflective for nighttime visibility.

59. Down by the river, a train chugged along, slow and determined like all the nighttime freights.

60. Stops Leg Cramps is an amazing old Amish formula that stops nighttime leg Cramps in about 1 minute

61. The fancy name for Bedwetting, or sleep wetting, is nocturnal (nighttime) enuresis (say: en-yoo-REE-sus)

62. Depending on the angle of vision, nighttime advertising balloons, airplanes, and helicopters can be misperceived as UFO’s

63. He was awakened by barking in the garage and was bewildered to see that it was nighttime.

64. It was nighttime and there were no windows, and yet the room was lit as if by noonday sunshine.

65. I suppose the sun has warmed the house, because the nighttime temperatures have been twenty or thirty degrees lower.

66. In the light of such findings, the World Health Organization has revised its guidelines on safe nighttime noise levels.

67. Urban nighttime noise levels can exceed 70 decibels, increasing the risk of a reduction in deep sleep and dreaming.

68. This extension reduces the screen Brightness level for both daytime and nighttime periods based on user-defined values

69. For nighttime fire, the TPN1-79-11 sight is used in combination with the L-2 IR searchlight.

70. The nighttime radiation cooling was obvious and there occurred temperature inversion around the ground with the air stratification being stable.

71. This extension reduces the screen Brightness level for both daytime and nighttime periods based on user-defined values

72. The Brooder needs to be out of the elements so the chicks are warm, dry and safe from nighttime predators

73. Study Design. A retrospective review of 34 patients with juvenile idiopathic scoliosis (JIS) treated with a nighttime bending brace.

74. For example, pollakisuria and urge incontinence are restrictive for social activities and, simultaneously, nighttime akinesia disturbs sleep and recovery.

75. For Awakers, their sleep routines have been messing up, like sleepy during daytime and can’t get to sleep during nighttime

76. He worked at church carnivals to set up booths and helped out in nighttime activities involving kids, Flesher said.

77. The nighttime howling of wild Coyotes is ever-more common across America – they are now found in every state but Hawaii

78. And as I gradually learned, nighttime hours are not the same as daytime hours when you live in a monophasic world.

79. Created and played by playwright Kitty Burns, Mina guides visitors on a two-hour nighttime adventure that combines Nob Hill history with vampire fantasy.

80. Asthma is a disease that affects your lungs. It causes repeated episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and nighttime or early morning coughing